Tulips for Showborough Gardens Sculpture Exhibition

My third and final piece for the Showborough Gardens Sculpture Exhibition 2017, had been rattling around in my head for a while now. Tulips are my absolute favourite flower, so I wanted to create a piece that did them justice. I chose a long tall panel. At first I was going to make them red and orange, but given that my sunburst project was based on these colours, I decided pinks and purples would make a pleasing combination and set about experimenting with creating tulip shapes in a variety of shades of glass. To create interest, I hand crafted glass daisies for the bottom and am really pleased with the contrast of the daisies and the tulips. Stems and leaves were added in a variety of greens, then the background sky was meticulously filled in. I was thrilled with the level of detail and felt I had achieved my objective of depicting my favourite flower as a glass mosaic.
The day for a road trip to Showborough House Gardens with my exhibits finally arrived, where owner, Andrew, helps artists to find a good position for their work, in the glorious setting of his gardens. He expertly chose the perfect spot; a quiet intimate seating area, with a gap amongst the planting, so that the sun streams in from behind, giving the tulips and daisies a lustrous shine.

If you would like to see my Tulip and Daisies glass mosaic panel, it can be viewed at Showborough Gardens Sculpture Exhibition 2017, alongside over 200 garden sculptures from 80 sculptors. I do hope you can plan a visit, it is a truly magnificent and very special garden to explore.
A recent visitor messaged me to say, “Loved it there - can't recommend it highly enough. Gardens and art were all beautiful and worked so well together, and there was much more to see than I expected.”
Visit trip advisor for more reviews of the show.
27th April – 11th June
Open Thursdays to Sundays
+ Bank Holiday Mondays
10:30 – 4:00
Showborough House | Twyning, Tewkesbury
GL20 6DN
Entry to the gardens is absolutely free, although donations for charity are welcome.
Whether you are a garden lover, art lover or lover of tea and cake….you won’t be disappointed!
If you can’t make Showborough, but would like a garden mosaic for your own garden or to give as a gift, they can be ordered via the website shop or by contacting me here to discuss your requirements.