You Are Invited To SOS
Hi Everyone
I do hope you have had a good Summer. The weather here is glorious at the moment and I have been out in the garden this weekend, madly tidying up and preparing for visitors to my Open Studios event in September. Want to know more?
It's part of a big Art event in Swindon,where over 60 artists will be displaying their work in many venues across the town. It's my second year of taking part, and I am opening my garden and my brand new studio for visitors to come and see where the magic happens and view my recent work in an outdoor garden setting.
So, here is your official invite to come and join me for this very special event. If you are local, it would be lovely to see you....... I can guarantee a warm welcome, lots of glass mosaic artwork and a garden and studio to explore. I shall also be unveiling a brand new venture, which you may want to get 'hands on' involved in.

My mosaic work will be on sale if you are looking to purchase something for your garden or a gift for a gardening friend. However, the main purpose is for people to come and view the artwork and enjoy their visit. Refreshments will be served.... tea, coffee, pimms and cake......would be rude not to really!
Hope you can make it, but if you live too far away, you can still view my work in the Primrose Mosaics website gallery and shop.
Now, back out to the garden... weeding, planting, deadheading, trimming, moving, digging, raking, staking, cutting, dividing and watering to do!
Best regards