Want to Learn To Mosaic?
September saw the exciting launch of my Beginners Mosaic Course, where 6 fabulous people came to my new studio in Swindon, Wiltshire, to learn the mosaic techniques needed to create a unique sun catcher, which they could proudly take home and hang in their garden or window. We had a ball!
They were all complete mosaic beginners, but we covered everything they needed to know:
How to cut, nip, shape and grind glass safely, using different tools for different effects.
About the different types of glass and how they react with light.
Which weather resistant materials are suitable for outside use.
How to lay tesserae. (mosaic pieces)
How to glue the tesserae to the substrate to avoid grout bleed.
How to mix and apply grout and clean your piece.
How to hang your piece.
Some of them admitted to initially feeling nervous about whether or not it would be difficult, but within minutes they were cutting glass confidently and ready to create their own mini masterpieces.
As they got into designing and making their pieces, they became totally absorbed in the process- something I always love about mosaic- but it was a pleasure to see them enjoying it as much as I do.
Although I had initially shown them some pieces I had made, it was great that they challenged themselves and developed their own ideas and produced 6 completely different designs.
They all had such fun doing the course; Word soon spread, and I have already run more courses and places for upcoming courses are filling fast into next year. You can find out what they said, by reading some testimonials from my students who have taken the course here.
It's funny, but over the past couple of years, I had relished the time to create for myself and practise my craft. Maybe having taught in schools for 30 years, I needed that short break from teaching..... but even after the first workshop, where I absolutely loved sharing my passion with others and seeing other people succeed in being creative, I knew this was something I wanted to do again. It just goes to show ..... I think maybe teaching is my default setting!!
If you'd like to find out more about what courses are running, then click here. I'd love to teach you!
Jacquie x