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Xmas Open House @ Primrose HQ

We would like to warmly invite you to our Open House Event.

Saturday 16th/ Sunday 17th November 2019 11am-4pm **Yes hubbie George will be making teas and coffees **Yes they'll be mince pies **Yes you can have a mini mosaic taster and make your own Xmas Decoration (join my VIP subscriber list & you'll receive a code to make one absolutely free) **Yes they'll be mosaic & jewellery items for sale if you want to find some unique handcrafted Xmas gifts **Yes bring the family, so you can hint at what you'd like Santa to treat you to you this Xmas!!!

1 Guernsey Farmhouse, Swindon, Wiltshire- SN25 1UZ ( just email me if you'd like directions)

Hope you can make it.

Jacquie & George

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 Swindon, Wiltshire 

(Please come via Thamesdown Drive A4198- Torun Way- Guernsey Lane-

Look for the Guernsey Farmhouse sign at the far end)

DO NOT approach via Torun Way South, as there is a bus lane with cameras.

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