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A Wonderful Day Out at Abbey House Gardens Sculpture Exhibition


The opening of the Cotswold Sculptors exhibition at Abbey House Gardens in Malmesbury was postponed, but successfully opened in June and has been safely receiving visitors keen for a much needed day out. I am thrilled to be part of such a prestigious exhibition and even more excited that I have made several sales, which has kept me very busy. It is a wonderful setting, with an amazing range of sculptures… if you haven’t been yet, then I’d thoroughly recommend it.

Sadly, due to the uncertainty that COVID-19 has brought to us all, the annual Swindon Open Studios event will not be able to go ahead. However, we are looking at the possibility of a smaller showcase of work from a group of artists near Christmas, so watch this space.



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 Swindon, Wiltshire 

(Please come via Thamesdown Drive A4198- Torun Way- Guernsey Lane-

Look for the Guernsey Farmhouse sign at the far end)

DO NOT approach via Torun Way South, as there is a bus lane with cameras.

© Site content and designs Jacquie Primrose
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