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News From Primrose HQ: Lockdown 2.0

Hi Everyone

How are you all doing? Here in the UK we are back in lockdown 2.0. So, once again, I am managing to adapt and keep busy.


November workshops sadly had to be cancelled, but my regulars fitted in some extra sessions to get their Christmas gifts finished and everyone else has successfully rearranged bookings to future courses. December and January dates are now available on the website and it would be lovely to see some of you enjoying some much needed timeout to get creative in the studio.

Book with confidence: If Government advice changes and your workshop has to be cancelled, you can choose whether to reschedule or receive a full refund. If restrictions in your area mean you cannot attend, or you develop COVID symptoms, then we can reschedule your place. You can also read about the safety measures I am implementing.

Online Christmas Shopping

There's no going to the shops at the moment and, once lockdown is over, there's sure to be the problems of queuing and overcrowding, So, I am predicting that, like me, many of you will be planning to do much of your Christmas shopping online this year. I'm busy creating 'Ready to Post or Collect' pieces to choose from and still have a few slots left for made to order pieces in colours of your own choice. But, PLEASE don't leave it until the last minute.... as you can appreciate, everything is handcrafted by just little old me, so there is a limit to what I can produce in December!

I'm creating a Primrose Mosaics Gift Buying Guide, with plenty of ideas for all your friends and family, so look out for that very soon, but in the meantime, do check out my my 'Craft It Yourself' kits; they've been immensly popular during this difficult year and I have some brand new designs, which I know you are going to love.

Thank you all so much for your continued support and interest in Primrose Mosaics during these challenging times. Take care.

Jacquie x


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 Swindon, Wiltshire 

(Please come via Thamesdown Drive A4198- Torun Way- Guernsey Lane-

Look for the Guernsey Farmhouse sign at the far end)

DO NOT approach via Torun Way South, as there is a bus lane with cameras.

© Site content and designs Jacquie Primrose
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