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Reflections on 2021

Just wanted to wish all of my students, customers and supporters the very happiest of New Years.

I hope 2021 was a good year for you and you achieved many things that made you content and happy.

To be honest, 2021 wasn't the easiest of years for me, family health issues have meant that my progress was often not what I would have liked, but I'm a firm believer that you just have to adapt to what life throws at you and it's great to look back on the year and celebrate some of my highlights and achievements:

- Exhibitions at Abbey House Gardens, Showborough House Gardens, Berkeley Castle and Westonbirt Arboretum

- Plenty of personal commissions made for customers for weddings/ anniversaries/ birthday presents/ new home gifts/ memorial pieces/ and just 'I'm going to treat myself' mosaics!

- Expanding my range of 'Craft It Yourself' Mosaic Kits, which has enabled many of you to enjoy some ceative projects at home. Setting up my Etsy shop has brought these to a much wider audience and I thank my apprentice Jess for the success of this, as it's been her vision for 2021.

Despite having limited time for mosaics in 2021, I'm rather pleased with the new ideas, designs and colour combinations I brought to life.and I hope you have enjoyed seeing and reading about them on the website, via email, pinterest and on my facebook page, all of which I've managed to keep updated.

I didn't get everything done... my online course unfortunately had to be put on the back burner..... I'm sorry, because I know that there are many mosaic enthusiasts waiting all over the world for help to get started on your glass mosaic journey remotely.... it's written, but filming it, editing and publishing it, plus sourcing materials and suppliers for you, gives me something to continue aiming for for in 2022! I want it to be an amazing guide that's really going to help you with all the skills and techniques and knowledge I've learnt, to help you create some amazing mosaic pieces.

After a difficult start to 2021 in lockdown once again, I have thankfully continued to safely teach my face to face workshops here at the studio, something that I absolutely love doing. There's nothing like sharing your passion with others and inspiring and helping them to achieve something they can be proud of. We've had a ball creating wonderful projects, relaxing, chilling out, chatting, laughing, drinking tea and eating cake! - Some have come with friends and family and spent valuable time together, others have come and made new friends. After the tough 2 years we've all had it's so nice to be able to make connections with people again. Enjoy the selection of student work I have put together for you here, but if you want to see more, you can view the student gallery via the workshop page on the website.

If you are interested in joining a workshop, there are some dates available now on the website- whether you are a complete beginner or someone looking for a more challenging project, there should be something there for you.

I love getting organised and creating ideas and setting challenges, so I'm looking forward to now taking time to make some plans for the year ahead..... I hope you stick around, so that I can share them with you!

All the best for 2022. Jacquie x

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