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Showborough House Garden Sculpture Exhibition

I am pleased to say, I have several exhibits at Showborough again this year, including my Green Man, my Daisy Panel, and a group of Serpentine Teardrops, as well as a selection of smalti pendants and hanging feathers.

It is a wonderful garden to explore, with plenty of winding paths and smaller garden rooms to explore. Definitely well worth a visit.

Showborough has hosted a Garden Art Exhibition since 2008. It is a non-profit venture that aims to make garden sculpture as accessible and affordable as possible to visitors, and to offer an opportunity to exhibit to artists of all backgrounds. This year there are over 80 sculptors exhibiting in a variety of materials and styles.

OPENING HOURS: Thursday May 27th until Sunday 11th July 10:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Closed Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday

Free entry Refreshments available

Showborough House, Twyning, Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire, GL20 6DN for more information



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 Swindon, Wiltshire 

(Please come via Thamesdown Drive A4198- Torun Way- Guernsey Lane-

Look for the Guernsey Farmhouse sign at the far end)

DO NOT approach via Torun Way South, as there is a bus lane with cameras.

© Site content and designs Jacquie Primrose
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